Johann Schumann

This is the Family tree of Johann Schumann, a member (in the 15th generation) of a great family.
Johann has 190 heirs.

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  1. Johann Schumann Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1544 in Eltville, Germany
    1. Wilhelm Schumann Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1579 in Hallgarten, Germany
      1. Johann Peter Schumann Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1614 in Hattenheim area, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1664
        1. Johann Valentin I Peter Schumann more Araw ng Kapanganakan after 1640 in Germany - 1708
        2. Theodor Schumann Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1643 in Germany
        3. Johann Adam Schumann more Araw ng Kapanganakan 1652-08-27 in Germany - 1678


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