Manuela Gebhardt

This is the Family tree of Manuela Gebhardt, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
Manuela has 69 ancestors and 5 heirs; further 1425 relatives by blood (219 living).

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Show generations: 3 4 5 8 all (Level: 5) Write a Comment,
  1. Manuela Gebhardt Araw ng Kapanganakan 1961-04-14 in Deutschland       
    1. Sebastian Volgner Araw ng Kapanganakan 1980-03-29 in Deutschland    
      1. Dennis Volgner Araw ng Kapanganakan 2002-08-15 in Deutschland
    2. Maik Volgner Araw ng Kapanganakan 1984-03-30 in Germany     
      1. Mio Kane Weyer Araw ng Kapanganakan 2008-09-04 in Bremen, D
      2. Romeo Jäy Weyer Araw ng Kapanganakan 2010-03-05 in Bremen,D
      3. Tajo Emilio Weyer Araw ng Kapanganakan 2014-06-20 in Bremen, D
    3. Romy Mariella Gebhardt Araw ng Kapanganakan 2006-01-04 in Deutschland  


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