Oscar Hines

This is the Family tree of Oscar Hines, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
Oscar has 7 ancestors and 7 heirs.

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  1. Oscar Hines Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1907 in Texas, United States - 1987
    1. Frank Thomas Hines Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1933 in TX, USA
      1. Lisa Louise Hines Araw ng Kapanganakan after 1953 in Unknown
      2. Sara Hines Araw ng Kapanganakan after 1953 in Unknown
      3. Kay Louise Hines Araw ng Kapanganakan 1955-02-22 in Bell, TX, USA
      4. Sandra Grace Hines Araw ng Kapanganakan 1972-06-24 in Tarrant, TX, USA
    2. Gracie Louise Hines Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1944 in TX, USA
      1. Raymond Melvin Chude Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1984 in Unknown


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