Thomas Draper

This is the Family tree of Thomas Draper, a member (in the 13th generation) of a great family.
Thomas has 170 heirs.

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  1. Thomas Draper Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1554 in Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England - 1603
    1. William Draper Araw ng Kapanganakan after 1580 in England
      1. James Sr Draper Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1618 in Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England - 1694
        1. James Jr Draper Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1654 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts - 1698
          1. Gideon Draper more Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1694 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts - 1750
    2. Abraham Draper Araw ng Kapanganakan after 1580 in England
    3. Grace Draper Araw ng Kapanganakan after 1580 in England
    4. Thomas Draper Araw ng Kapanganakan after 1580 in England


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