Helga Sophie Lina Gehl

This is the Family tree of Helga Sophie Lina Gehl, czlonek (w 24 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Helga ma 6 ancestors i 25 heirs; further 55 relatives by blood (35 living).

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  1. Helga Sophie Lina Gehl born 1924-04-04 in Bremen (Buchhalterin)   
    1. Rixa Gehl born 1949-08-15 in Germany (Lehrerin)   
      1. Janina Czybulka more born 1973-05-31 in Seoul (Hotelmanagerin)    
      2. Till Czybulka born 1973-10-19 in Deutschland     
      3. Charlotte Czybulka more born 1977-01-05 in Deutschland   
      4. Rasmus Gehl born 1985-08-16 in Bremerhaven (Student)  
    2. Dr. med. Petra Gehl born 1950-06-15 in Deutschland    
      1. Nicolai Alexander Gebhardt more born 1969-01-03 in Bremen (Kapitän)       
      2. Sanja Maximilian Gebhardt more born 1973-08-16 in Hamburg (Polizeikommissar)        
      3. Rixa Friderike Gebhardt more born 1977-12-31 in Hamburg (Dipl.-Ing. Windgutachterin)      
      4. Sophie Pauline Bruss more born 1981-02-16 in Hamburg (Dipl. Ing. Architektin)         
      5. Philine Elisabeth Gebhardt more born 1982-06-10 in Hamburg (Journalistin)           
      6. Juri Konstantin Gebhardt born 1986-11-27 in Hamburg (Unternehmer)     
    3. Anja Gehl born 1962-08-12 in Germany   
      1. Halina Vogt born 1990-03-22 in Germany    
      2. Clara Vogt born 1993-01-01 in Germany    
      3. Paula Vogt born 2002-01-01 in Germany


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