Robert Theodore Mumme

This is the Family tree of Robert Theodore Mumme, czlonek (w 25 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Robert ma 64 ancestors i 34 heirs.

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  1. Robert Theodore Mumme born 1928-03-15 in Harris,TX,USA  
    1. Ruth Alice Mumme born 1949-03-02 in Harris,TX,USA     
      1. Dorothy Marie DeCamp more born 1972-09-27 in Stuttgart, Germany   
      2. Robert DeCamp born 1975-07-26 in Seoul, Korea  
      3. David James DeCamp born 1983-02-04 in New Jersey, USA
    2. Martha Jean Mumme born 1951-06-06 in Harris,TX,USA
      1. Rebecca Morey more born po 1969 in USA   
      2. Sarah E Morey born po 1969 in USA
    3. Robin Marie Mumme born 1953-01-14 in Harris,TX,USA
      1. Rebekah Joy Stube born 1974-06-23 in Harris,TX,USA
      2. Benjamin Charles Stube born 1978-06-08 in Harris,TX,USA
    4. Jane Elizabeth Mumme born 1953-11-18 in Houston,Harris,TX,USA     
      1. Timothy Michael Wheeler born 1976-03-24 in Houston,Bexar,TX,USA     
      2. Jonathan Edward Wheeler born 1983-11-18 in San Antonio,Bexar,TX,USA      
      3. Emily Marie Wheeler more born 1987-10-31 in Lubbock,TX,USA   
      4. Kevin Matthew Wheeler born 1990-05-15 in Lubbock,TX,USA    
    5. Dorothy Karen Mumme born 1957-01-24 in Houston,Harris,TX,USA   
      1. David Paul Jr. Worthington born 1992-03-02 in Houston,Harris,TX,USA
      2. Joshua Paul Worthington born 1995-01-18 in Houston,Harris,TX,USA  
    6. David Robert Mumme born 1960-06-29 in Harris,TX,USA    
      1. David Robert Mumme born 1988-09-23 in Olmsted, MN, USA    
      2. Michelle Jean Mumme born 1990-09-12 in Olmsted, MN, USA  
      3. Laura Mumme born 1992-09-14 in IN,USA   
      4. Mary Lou Mumme born in TX, USA  
    7. Carol Ann Mumme born 1963-06-06 in Harris,TX,USA   
      1. Nathaniel Scott Roszhart born 1986-06-04 in Longview, Gregg, TX.USA (Flight Instructor)   
      2. Jason Paul Roszhart born 1988-09-19 in Hunt,TX,USA     
      3. Melissa Ann Roszhart born 1991-07-09 in Hunt,TX,USA   
    8. Patricia Anne Mumme born 1969-03-02 in Harris,TX,USA  


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