Heinrich Rothe

This is the Family tree of Heinrich Rothe, czlonek (w 24 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Heinrich ma 3 ancestors i 38 heirs.

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  1. Heinrich Rothe born 1840-05-03 in Warmensteinach, Oberfranken, Bavaria, Germany (Stockman)
    1. Louis F Rothe born 1875-07-01 in Dhanis, Medina, Texas, USA - 1953 (Stock raising)
      1. Norma J Rothe born okolo 1905 in TX, USA
      2. Reinhart L Rothe born okolo 1906 in TX, USA
      3. Ebon H Rothe born okolo 1908 in TX, USA
      4. Homer A Rothe born okolo 1908 in TX, USA
      5. Josell F Rothe born okolo 1913 in TX, USA
      6. Joseph Henry Rothe more born 1919-03-27 in Hondo - 2007
    2. Hedwig Natalia Rothe born 1877-07-10 in Medina, Texas - 1970
      1. Reginald Dullnig born 1903-08-23 in San Antonio - 1955
      2. Viola Estell Dullnig born 1906-08-30 in San Antonio
      3. William Henry Dullnig born 1909-02-03 in Unknown - 1995
    3. Curt F. Rothe born 1879-03-31 in Medina County, Texas - 1901
    4. Annie Rothe born 1881-07-25 in Medina County, Texas - 1881
    5. Anna Eugenia Rothe born 1882-09-16 in Medina County, Texas - 1979
      1. Henry Michael Herweck more born 1905-09-14 in San Antonio, Texas, USA - 1984
      2. Kurt Howard Herweck born 1907-06-03 in San Antonio, Texas, USA - 1990
    6. Arnold August Rothe born 1883-08-20 in Unknown - 1965
      1. Thomas Arnold Rothe more born 1920-12-02 in San Antonio - 1976
    7. Roland John Rothe born 1886-12-16 in Unknown - 1949
    8. Henry Hino Rothe born 1889-12-25 in Unknown - 1972
      1. Henry Sturgeon Rothe born 1915-09-30 in Columbus, Ohio - 1976
    9. Helen Henrietta Rothe born 1891-03-17 in Medina County, Texas - 1962
      1. Helen Ann Miller born 1911-04-11 in Hondo - 2007
      2. Henry Bru Miller born 1913-12-02 in Hondo - 1996
      3. Charlotte Bertha Miller born 1915-08-31 in Hondo - 1998
    10. Hans Hugo Rothe born 1892-12-08 in Medina County, Texas - 1985
    11. Johanna Marie Rothe born 1895-11-22 in Hondo - 1962
    12. Elmer Sigmond Rothe born 1898-05-14 in San Antonio - 1968
    13. Ruth Dorothy Rothe born 1901-03-22 in Hondo - 1940


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