Nettie Belle Crunk

This is the Family tree of Nettie Belle Crunk, czlonek (w 27 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Nettie ma 12 ancestors i 10 heirs; further 13 relatives by blood (0 living).

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Show generations: 3 4 5 8 all (Level: 3) Write a Comment,
  1. Nettie Belle Crunk born 1940-06-17 in Unknown
    1. Alan Brent Arnold born 1967-12-15 in Bexar, TX, USA   
    2. Charla Leigh Arnold born 1970-06-06 in Bexar, TX, USA  
    3. Lawra Kaye Arnold born 1976-07-20 in Kerr, TX, USA  
      1. Tristan Lawrence Arnold born 1997-10-22 in Tarrant, TX, USA  
    4. Kelcie Lynn Arnold born 1977-11-12 in Kerr, TX, USA    
      1. Venus Stanton born po 1995 in Unknown  
      2. Sequel Stanton born okolo 2000 in Unknown
      3. Pacey Rutherford born okolo 2004 in Unknown
      4. Chase Rutherford born okolo 2005 in Unknown
      5. Joeleann Rutherford born okolo 2009 in Unknown


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