Therese Knolle

This is the Family tree of Therese Knolle, czlonek (w 22 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Therese ma 250 heirs.

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  1. Therese Knolle born okolo 1809 in Deutschland - 1852
    1. Hermann Willmann born okolo 1841 in Unknown - 1901
    2. Therese Willmann born 1843-11-15 in Rauschwitz, Silesia, Germany - 1925
      1. Fannie T. Gerdes more born 1862-09-04 in USA - 1921
      2. Mathilda Gerdes more born 1865-03-21 in Germany - 1917
      3. Johanna Gerdes born 1867-08-03 in Germany - 1937
      4. Christina Gerdes born 1870-05-22 in Germany - 1944
      5. William John Gerdes more born 1873-02-25 in Germany - 1934
      6. Louisa Gerdes more born 1875-08-09 in New Fountain, Medina, Texas - 1961
      7. Emma Gerdes more born 1878-06-29 in Germany - 1945
      8. August Dirk Gerdes born 1881-01-29 in Germany
      9. Louis Gerdes born 1884-02-23 in Germany - 1970
    3. Fredrick Pius Willmann born okolo 1846 in Unknown - 1935
    4. Maria Willmann born 1848-03-18 in Schlesien, Germany  
      1. Christina Marie Ernst more born 1868-09-22 in Germany - 1922  
      2. Henry T. Mumme born 1870-07-17 in Germany - 1947 (Merchant Farmer)  
      3. Ada Maria Mumme more born 1872-03-02 in Germany - 1942  
      4. Martha Maria Anne Mumme more born 1873-08-24 in Germany - 1951  
      5. Zilla Marie Mumme born 1875-12-31 in Germany - 1878
      6. Othilia Marie Otthilia Maria Mumme more born okolo 1877 in Germany - 1941  
      7. Rosalie Maria Mumme more born 1879-05-01 in Texas, USA - 1954  
      8. Paulina Maria Pauline Mumme born 1881-04-02 in Germany - 1967  
      9. Nellie Maria Mumme more born okolo 1883 in Germany  
      10. Robert Theodore Mumme more born 1885-02-03 in Germany - 1976  
    5. August Willmann born okolo 1851 in Unknown - 1932
      1. Louis C. Willmann more born okolo 1881 in Unknown - 1965
      2. John Henry Emil Willmann born okolo 1887 in Unknown
      3. Ernest Fritz Willmann more born okolo 1889 in Unknown - 1947
      4. Minnie A. Willmann more born okolo 1890 in Unknown
      5. August Anton Willmann more born okolo 1895 in Unknown - 1970
      6. Lillie Sophie Willmann more born okolo 1897 in Unknown


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