Anna Margarethe Hoffman

This is the Family tree of Anna Margarethe Hoffman, czlonek (w 23 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Anna ma 2 ancestors i 319 heirs.

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  1. Anna Margarethe Hoffman born okolo 1793 in Hattenheim area, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1855
    1. Joseph Klein born 1811-12-30 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1894  
      1. Theodora Klein born okolo 1853 in USA
      2. Eliza Klein born okolo 1855 in Texas
      3. Ferdinand Klein born 1856-11-11 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas - 1856
      4. Sophia Klein born 1857-08-31 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas - 1857
      5. Rudolph C. Klein more born 1858-01-24 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas - 1915
      6. Fritz Klein more born 1860-01-31 in USA - 1942
      7. Hermina Klein born 1862-08-01 in USA
      8. Helene Klein born 1864-10-11 in USA - 1888
      9. Marie Klein born okolo 1866 in USA - 1956
      10. Antonie Klein more born 1868-10-11 in USA
      11. Joseph Klein born 1870-08-11 in USA - 1870
      12. Joseph Georg Klein born 1872-04-23 in USA
      13. E. Augusta Klein more born 1873-11-29 in USA
    2. Andreas Klein born okolo 1813 in USA - 1814
    3. Katharina Klein born 1815-10-16 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1896
      1. Fredrick Schumann more born 1840-10-14 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1922
      2. Jacob Schumann born 1842-04-11 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany
      3. Valentin Schumann more born 1844-04-15 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1894
      4. Valentin Heinrich Schumann more born 1852-05-17 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas - 1917
      5. Albert Schumann born 1854-10-08 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas? - 1855
      6. Carl C. Schumann more born 1856-06-22 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas - 1906
    4. Anna Maria Klein born 1818-11-05 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany
      1. Carl Andreas Jahn more born okolo 1850 in Germany
    5. Margaretha Klein born okolo 1821 in USA
    6. Jacob Klein born 1823-10-24 in Hattenheim, Germany - 1846
    7. Babygirl Klein born okolo 1826 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1826
    8. Peter Valentin Klein born okolo 1827 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1878
      1. Maria Catharina Klein more born 1862-06-01 in Texas
      2. Anna Margaret Klein more born 1864-12-14 in Texas
      3. Emma Klein born okolo 1866 in USA
      4. Edward Valentin Klein more born 1871-04-28 in Texas - 1955
      5. Margaretha Klein more born 1874-09-28 in Texas - 1918
      6. Elizabeth Bertha Klein more born 1877-10-29 in Texas
    9. Barbara Klein born okolo 1829 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany
      1. Friedrich Eikel more born okolo 1858 in USA - 1933
    10. Heinrich Klein born okolo 1829 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany
    11. Babygirl Klein born okolo 1832 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1832
    12. Elizabethe Klein born okolo 1835 in Germany
      1. Edward Voges more born okolo 1855 in Guadaupe, Texas
      2. Albert Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      3. Harry D. Voges more born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      4. Ida Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      5. Johann Freidrich Karl Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      6. Marie Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      7. Richard Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      8. Walter Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      9. Hulda Voges more born okolo 1859 in Guadaupe, Texas
      10. Emma Voges more born okolo 1862 in Guadaupe, Texas
      11. Adolph Voges more born okolo 1875 in Guadaupe, Texas


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