Johann Cord Heinrich Voges

This is the Family tree of Johann Cord Heinrich Voges, czlonek (w 23 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Johann ma 82 heirs.

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  1. Johann Cord Heinrich Voges born okolo 1780 in Unknown
    1. Johann Heinrich Dietrich Voges born 1818-08-26 in Unknown
      1. Edward Voges more born okolo 1855 in Guadaupe, Texas
      2. Albert Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      3. Harry D. Voges more born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      4. Ida Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      5. Johann Freidrich Karl Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      6. Marie Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      7. Richard Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      8. Walter Voges born okolo 1857 in Guadaupe, Texas
      9. Hulda Voges more born okolo 1859 in Guadaupe, Texas
      10. Emma Voges more born okolo 1862 in Guadaupe, Texas
      11. Adolph Voges more born okolo 1875 in Guadaupe, Texas


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