Jans Martin Saathoff

This is the Family tree of Jans Martin Saathoff, czlonek (w 21 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Jans ma 86 heirs.

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  1. Jans Martin Saathoff born okolo 1780 in Deutschland  
    1. Martin Jansen Saathoff born 1815-01-31 in Felde, Holtrop, Aurich, Germany - 1864
      1. Jans Martin Saathoff born 1849-03-12 in Felde, Holtrop, Aurich, Germany - 1899
      2. Luebbe Martin Saathoff born 1851-07-09 in Felde, Holtrop, Aurich, Germany - 1867
      3. Martin Saathoff born okolo 1852 in Felde, Holtrop, Aurich, Germany - 1853
      4. Antje Maria Saathoff born 1855-08-15 in Quihi, Medina, Texas - 1887
      5. Maricka Saathoff born okolo 1856 in Quihi, Medina, Texas
      6. Mathes Martin 'Matt' Saathoff born 1858-02-23 in Quihi, Medina, Texas - 1935
      7. Ehme Martin Saathoff more born 1861-03-23 in Quihi, Medina, Texas - 1935
      8. John M. 'Kansas John' Saathoff more born 1863-02-09 in Quihi, Medina, Texas - 1947
    2. Gretje J Saathoff born okolo 12 May 1820 in Felden, Hanover, Germany - 1886
      1. Lubbe Aden born 1851-03-11 in Aurich, Ost Friesland, Niedersachen, Germany - 1852
      2. Antje M Aden born 1854-10-19 in Quihi, Medina County, Texas, USA
      3. Maria Aden born 1856-12-13 in Quihi, Medina County, Texas, USA - 1899


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