Christian Schartow

This is the Family tree of Christian Schartow, czlonek (w 20 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Christian ma 19 ancestors i 71 heirs.

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  1. Christian Schartow born 1726-07-24 in Magdeburg - 1776 (Kaufmann und Elbschiffer)
    1. Christian Schartow born ?? in Germany - 1775
    2. Johanna Marie Katharina Schartow born 1759-04-11 in Magdeburg - 1823
      1. Johanna Kunckel born ?? in Germany - .101
        1. Bertha Behrend born ?? in Germany - .101
        2. Albert Behrend born okolo 1804 in Germany
      2. Wilhelm Kunckel born ?? in Germany - .101
      3. Carl Kunckel born ?? in Germany - .101
        1. Edmund Kunckel born ?? in Unknown - .101
    3. Wilhelmine Charlotte Katharina Susanne Schartow born 1761-12-04 in Magdeburg - 1838
      1. Henriette Andreße born ?? in Germany - .101
      2. Wilhelmine Andreße born ?? in Germany - .101
        1. Hermine Weise born ?? in Unknown - .101
      3. Marianne Andreße born ?? in Germany - .101
      4. Wilhelm Andreße born ?? in Germany - .101
      5. Caroline Andreße born ?? in Unknown - .101
      6. Gustav Adolf Andreße born ?? in Germany - .101 (Arzt im Oderbruch)
      7. Sophia Henriette Charlotte Andreße born 1792-09-14 in Berlin - 1878
        1. Bernhard von Köhne more born ?? in Germany - .101
        2. Wilhelm Köhne more born ?? in Germany - .101
        3. Adalbert Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
        4. Max Köhne more born ?? in Germany - .101
        5. Wilhelmine Bernhardine Charlotte Köhne more born 1823-01-06 in Berlin - 1896


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