Elbert Gottfried Thomas Feller

This is the Family tree of Elbert Gottfried Thomas Feller, czlonek (w 26 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Elbert ma 60 ancestors i 5 heirs.

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  1. Elbert Gottfried Thomas Feller born 1921-01-09 in USA
    1. Peggy Lynn Feller born 1947-08-01 in Gillespie ,TX,USA
    2. Nancy Lee Feller born 1951-06-04 in Gillespie,TX,USA
      1. James Thomas Evertson born 1983-02-22 in Walker,TX,USA    
    3. Wendy Jane Feller born 1955-11-25 in Gillespie,TX,USA
      1. John Daniel Garza born 1983-07-25 in Brazos,TX,USA


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