Fredric W. Koepsel

This is the Family tree of Fredric W. Koepsel, czlonek (w 23 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Fredric ma 1 ancestors i 92 heirs.

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  1. Fredric W. Koepsel born 1826-01-01 in Prussia, Germany - 1902
    1. Heinrich F Koepsel born okolo March 1854 in ,Guadalupe,Texas, USA
      1. Ida Koepsel born po 1874 in Unknown
        1. Roy Harry Voges more born okolo 1892 in USA
        2. Mae Voges born po 1894 in Unknown
        3. Lillian Voges more born po 1894 in Unknown
        4. Betty Pearl Voges more born po 1894 in Unknown
      2. Fritz Koepsel born po 1874 in Unknown
        1. Eunice Koepsel born po 1894 in Unknown
        2. Floria Koepsel born po 1894 in Unknown
      3. Alma Koepsel born po 1874 in Unknown
        1. Willie Mae Koepsel more born po 1894 in Unknown
      4. Esther Koepsel born po 1874 in Unknown
      5. Eddie Koepsel born po 1879 in Unknown
        1. Dorothy Koepsel born po 1899 in Unknown
      6. Louis Koepsel born po 1879 in Unknown
        1. Elaine Koepsel born po 1899 in Unknown
      7. Arthur Koepsel born 1885-04-19 in USA
        1. Iola Koepsel more born 1908-02-10 in USA
        2. Vivian Koepsel more born 1914-05-10 in Seguin, Guadalupe, Texas
        3. Marie Koepsel born 1919-11-30 in USA
        4. Grace Natalie Koepsel born 1922-08-20 in Seguin, Guadalupe, Texas
      8. Wesley Koepsel born 1893-01-29 in Texas - 1988
        1. Wellington Wesley Koepsel born 1921-12-05 in Guadalupe, Texas, United States of America
      9. Henry S. Jr. Koepsel born okolo Dec 1895 in Unknown - 1970
        1. Arline Henrietta Koepsel more born okolo 1918 in USA
        2. May Bell Koepsel more born okolo 1922 in TX, USA
      10. George Koepsel born okolo 1898 in TX, USA
        1. Evelyn Koepsel born po 1921 in Unknown
        2. George Jr. Dewey Koepsel more born 1928-08-27 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
        3. LaNell Esther Koepsel more born 1930-09-27 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
      11. Dan Samuel Koepsel born 1900-07-08 in TX, USA (farm laborer)
        1. Daniel Lee Koepsel more born po 1920 in TX, USA


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