Dell Louis Bohmfalk

This is the Family tree of Dell Louis Bohmfalk, czlonek (w 25 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Dell ma 10 ancestors i 16 heirs.

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  1. Dell Louis Bohmfalk born 1914-08-28 in Moore, Frio County, TX , USA - 1972
    1. Marla Delline Bohmfalk born 1942-12-26 in Bisbee, Cochise, Arizona    
      1. Dustin William Mason born 1964-04-10 in Douglas, Cochise, Arizona
        1. Dustin Mason born 1995-07-22 in Douglas, Cochise, Arizona   
        2. Abbi Ybarra born 2010-01-16 in Unknown (C.N.A /sleep technician)   
      2. John Randall Mason born 1966-06-06 in Douglas, Cochise, Arizona, USA
        1. Travis John Mason born 1994-06-10 in Douglas, Cochise, Arizona
        2. Tyler James Mason born 1996-11-07 in Douglas, Cochise, Arizona
      3. Darcy Lynn Mason born 1969-01-05 in Douglas, Cochise, Arizona, USA    
        1. Hayden Andrew Cerda born 2000-12-05 in Unknown
        2. Mia Renee Cerda born 2002-11-03 in Unknown
    2. Gerald Thomas Bohmfalk Ph.D. born 1950-04-25 in Douglas, Arizona, USA ( Scientist/Rancher)   
      1. Holly Ann Bohmfalk born 1984-11-20 in Lewisville, Texas, USA (Teacher)
      2. Maddie Dell Bohmfalk born 1987-10-28 in Douglas, Cochise, Arizona (Physical Therapist)   
    3. Anna Kathleen Bohmfalk born 1952-01-07 in Douglas, AZ (High school teacher)   
      1. Jack Jr. Johnson born po 1970 in Unknown
      2. Kelly Johnson born po 1970 in Unknown


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