James Marshe

This is the Family tree of James Marshe, czlonek (w 14 generacji) duzej rodziny.
James ma 160 heirs.

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  1. James Marshe born okolo 1549 in Unknown
    1. Elizabeth Marshe born 1584-11-01 in Eccles, Lancashire, England - 1653
      1. Alicia Farnsworth born 1609-02-25 in Prestwick, Lancashire, England
      2. Matthias Farnsworth born 1612-07-20 in Eccles, Lancs, England
        1. John Farnsworth born 1652-07-08 in Lynn, Essex, England
          1. Daniel Farnsworth born okolo 1693 in USA
          2. Joseph Farnsworth more born okolo 1694 in USA
      3. Alicia Farnsworth born 1612-07-20 in Prestwick, Lancashire, England
      4. Jonathan Farnsworth born okolo 1615 in Prestwick, Lancashire, England
      5. Mary Farnsworth born 1618-11-08 in Prestwick, Lancashire, England - 1623
      6. Hester Farnsworth born 1621-10-28 in Prestwick, Lancashire, England


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