Ellen Elliott

This is the Family tree of Ellen Elliott, czlonek (w 13 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Ellen ma 131 heirs.

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  1. Ellen Elliott born okolo 1551 in England
    1. Richard Harvey born 1582-12-20 in Ilkeston, Derbyshire, England - 1616
      1. Mary Harvey born 1606-06-05 in Herfordshire, England - 1644
        1. Samuel Beardsley born okolo 1638 in Windham, Windham, Connecticut - 1706
          1. Abigail Beardsley born 1664-08-10 in USA
          2. Sarah Beardsley more born okolo 1666 in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut - 1730
          3. Samuel Beardsley born 1666-09-01 in USA - 1702
          4. William Beardsley born 1671-04-01 in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut
          5. Daniel Beardsley born 1671-04-03 in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut - 1738
          6. John Beardsley born 1673-10-11 in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut - 1753
          7. Ebenezer\Ephraim Beardsley born 1675-09-04 in USA
          8. Benjamin Beardsley born 1677-12-25 in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut - 1712
          9. Mary Beardsley born 1680-05-01 in USA
          10. Hannah Beardsley born 1682-10-25 in USA
          11. Deborah Beardsley born okolo 1684 in USA
          12. Sarah Beardsley born okolo 1688 in USA


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