Hugh Boscawen

This is the Family tree of Hugh Boscawen, czlonek (w 10 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Hugh ma 647 heirs.

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  1. Hugh Boscawen born okolo 1512 in England - 1590
    1. Mary Boscawen born okolo 1530 in England - 1622
      1. Nicholas Coffin born okolo 1552 in Brixton, Devon, England - 1613
        1. Peter Coffin born okolo 1580 in Brixton, Devonshire, England - 1627
          1. Tristram Coffin more born przed 1609 in Brixton, Devonshire, England - 1681
          2. Joane Coffin born okolo 1610 in Brixton, Devonshire, England
          3. Peter Coffin born okolo 1612 in USA
          4. Deborah Coffin born okolo 1614 in Brixton, Devonshire, England
          5. ? Butler born okolo 1615 in Brixton, Devonshire, England
          6. Mary Coffin born okolo 1617 in Brixton, Devonshire, England
          7. Ruth Coffin born okolo 1618 in USA
          8. John Coffin born okolo 1620 in Brixton, Devonshire, England
          9. Child Coffin born okolo 1622 in USA
        2. Anne Coffin born okolo 1583 in England
        3. Eleanor Coffin born okolo 1583 in England
        4. Joan Coffin born okolo 1583 in England
        5. John Coffin born okolo 1583 in England - 1628
        6. Nicholas Coffin born okolo 1583 in England
        7. Tristram Coffin born okolo 1583 in England
    2. Nicolas Boscawen born okolo 1541 in Unknown


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