Otto John Mumme

This is the Family tree of Otto John Mumme, czlonek (w 25 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Otto ma 68 ancestors i 24 heirs.

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  1. Otto John Mumme born 1920-02-28 in Medina ,TX,USA - 1981
    1. Johnnie Catherine Mumme born 1949-02-23 in Medina,TX,USA
      1. James John Nelson born 1970-07-10 in Bell,TX,USA  
      2. Linda Lorraine Nelson born 1974-07-22 in Lubbock,TX,USA
      3. Patrick Eugene Nelson born 1975-10-10 in Lubbock,TX,USA
        1. William Kirby Nelson born 1996-11-20 in Brazos,TX,USA
        2. Morgan Kyle Nelson born 1997-10-24 in Bell,TX,USA
    2. Otto John Mumme born 1950-11-03 in Dimmit,TX,USA  
    3. William Benton Mumme born 1952-07-31 in Bexar,TX,USA
      1. Tracy Mumme born unknown to us in Unknown  
      2. William Benton Jr. Mumme born 1976-11-05 in Ector,TX,USA
      3. Lindsey Mumme born 1992-04-10 in Unknown  
    4. Dena Elizabeth Mumme born 1953-09-16 in Milam,TX,USA
      1. Tina Renee Sistrunk born 1976-12-30 in Bell,TX,USA  
        1. Da'shaniko La'shon Sistrunk born 1993-07-25 in Travis,TX,USA
      2. Rodney J Branson born 1981-04-22 in Lamar,TX,USA
    5. Rita Sue Mumme born 1955-10-12 in Bexar,TX,USA
      1. Glenn Edward Bovee born 1977-01-12 in McLennan,TX,USA
      2. Scott Edward Bovee born 1978-08-01 in McLennan,TX,USA
      3. John William Bovee born 1981-05-29 in Bosque,TX,USA
      4. Michael DeWayne Bovee born 1982-08-15 in Hill,TX,USA
      5. Sarah Ann Moon born 1992-12-21 in McLennan,TX,USA
      6. Joshua Dale Thomas born 1994-05-21 in McLennan,TX,USA
    6. Tracy Ellen Mumme born 1958-12-05 in McCulloch,TX,USA
      1. Cristopher Lee Beeson born 1976-10-24 in Bell,TX,USA


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