Peter Valentin Klein

This is the Family tree of Peter Valentin Klein, czlonek (w 24 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Peter ma 12 ancestors i 22 heirs.

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  1. Peter Valentin Klein born okolo 1827 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1878
    1. Maria Catharina Klein born 1862-06-01 in Texas
      1. Amelia Pohle born okolo 1894 in USA
        1. Richard Alvin Sr. Intrau born okolo 1916 in USA
        2. Alma Lydia Intrau born okolo 1926 in USA
        3. Emmie Intrau born okolo 1927 in USA
        4. Norma Intrau born 1929-01-02 in Comal, Texas
      2. Gertrude Pohle born 1895-11-15 in USA - 1990
        1. Alvin R. Achterberg born 1916-11-02 in USA - 1998
        2. Paul Frank Achterberg born 1920-09-29 in Seguin, Guadalupe, Texas
    2. Anna Margaret Klein born 1864-12-14 in Texas
      1. Dorothy Kramer born okolo 1895 in USA
    3. Emma Klein born okolo 1866 in USA
    4. Edward Valentin Klein born 1871-04-28 in Texas - 1955
      1. Isabelle Ernestine Klein born okolo 1915 in USA - 1997
      2. Marion Edward Klein born okolo 1917 in USA - 1992
    5. Margaretha Klein born 1874-09-28 in Texas - 1918
      1. Joe Hessler born okolo 1902 in USA - 1920
      2. August Jr. Hessler born okolo 1904 in USA - 1992
      3. Trena Hessler born okolo 1907 in USA - 1920
      4. Edward Hessler born okolo 1913 in USA
    6. Elizabeth Bertha Klein born 1877-10-29 in Texas
      1. Tilly Mary Wurzbach born okolo 1908 in USA


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