Johannes Gebhardt

This is the Family tree of Johannes Gebhardt, a member (in the 21th generation) of a great family.
Johannes has 11 ancestors and 27 heirs.

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  1. Johannes Gebhardt born 1806-03-20 in Britzingen - 1865
    1. Johannes Gebhardt born 1833-11-28 in Britzingen - 1887
      1. Karl Gebhardt more born 1863-01-29 in Steinen im Wiesenthal
      2. Ernst Gebhardt born 1864-11-07 in Steinen im Wiesenthal - 1867
      3. Fritz Gebhardt more born 1866-12-19 in Steinen im Wiesenthal - 1926
      4. Sophie Gebhardt born 1869-06-11 in Steinen im Wiesenthal - 1929
      5. Frieda Gebhardt born 1872-08-11 in Steinen im Wiesenthal - 1930
      6. Anna Gebhardt born 1881-03-25 in Steinen im Wiesenthal
    2. Johann Jakob Gebhardt born 1835-08-01 in Britzingen - 1892 (Bürger und Landwirt)
      1. Karl Julius Gebhardt more born 1871-04-25 in Britzingen - 1900
      2. Sophie Friederike Gebhardt born 1874-01-11 in Britzingen
      3. Friederike Gebhardt born 1880-08-13 in Britzingen
      4. Karl Julius Gebhardt born 1898-03-05 in Britzingen, D


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