Sophia Henriette Charlotte Andreße

This is the Family tree of Sophia Henriette Charlotte Andreße, a member (in the 22th generation) of a great family.
Sophia has 21 ancestors and 54 heirs.

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  1. Sophia Henriette Charlotte Andreße born 1792-09-14 in Berlin - 1878
    1. Bernhard von Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
      1. Alexandrine von Köhne born ?? in Unknown - .101
    2. Wilhelm Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
      1. Emil Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
      2. Reinhard Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
      3. Anna Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
    3. Adalbert Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
    4. Max Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
      1. Wilhelm Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
        1. Emil Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
        2. Reinhard Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
        3. Anna Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
      2. Max Köhne born ?? in Germany - .101
    5. Wilhelmine Bernhardine Charlotte Köhne born 1823-01-06 in Berlin - 1896
      1. Johanna Behrend born before 1848 in Unknown
      2. Auguste Schartow born 1850-09-24 in Frankfurt/Oder - 1926
        1. Adolf Heinsius born 1873-12-14 in Berlin (Regierungsrat in Oppeln)
        2. Barbara Heinsius born 1881-05-05 in Germany - 1881
      3. Sophie Sophia Schartow born 1852-03-31 in Frankfurt/Oder
        1. Joachim Löwe born 1879-08-11 in Berlin - 1920
        2. Günther Löwe born 1882-12-08 in Kiel
        3. Hellmuth Löwe born 1885-09-02 in Berlin
      4. Adolf Friedrich Benedict Schartow born 1853-10-03 in Frankfurt/Oder - 1933 (Forstmeister)  
        1. Peter Adolf Benedict Schartow born 1888-06-30 in Argenau - 1889
        2. Werner Adolf Benedict Schartow more born 1890-02-05 in Argenau (Generalleutnant)
        3. Anneliese Wilhelmine Caroline Schartow more born 1891-11-01 in Argenau
        4. Susanne Maria Sophia Schartow more born 1893-06-18 in Argenau - 1921
        5. Benedict Arthur Ernst Schartow born 1896-02-27 in Argenau - 1897
        6. Wilhelm Benedict Schartow born 1898-02-13 in Argenau - 1915 (Fahnenjunker und Unteroffizier im Königs-Grenadier-Regiment Nr.7)
        7. Johann Hans Friedrich Benedict Schartow more born 1903-08-08 in Argenau
      5. Marianne Schartow born 1856-10-27 in Frankfurt/Oder - 1932
      6. Wilhelm Friedrich Benedict Schartow born 1857-12-04 in Berlin - 1889 (Königl.-preuß. Regierungs-Assessor in Oppeln und Potsdam)
        1. Walter Schartow more born 1888-01-15 in Steinbach Gallenberg - 1917 (Rittmeister)  
      7. Wilhelmine Schartow born 1859-05-07 in Berlin - 1927 (Malerin)
      8. ** private **
      9. Christian Schartow born 1862-09-01 in Berlin - 1864


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