DBconnecti: ip=, myip= homepage of George Wilmot Sonderquist urodzony okolo 1900 w Unknown

George Wilmot Sonderquist

This is the homepage of George Wilmot Sonderquist, czlonek (w 25 generacji) duzej rodziny.
George ma 3 heirs.

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Nazwisko:George Wilmot Sonderquist               
urodzony:okolo 1900 w Unknown
zmarl:1985-03-01 w Unknown
W zwiazku:
Married to Gladys E. Locke od 1926-07-05
syn: Russell Lee Sonderquist born 1929-08-22
syn: Richard Wesley Sonderquist born 1930-07-20
syn: Alton Cass Sonderquist born 1939-06-01