Rudolph Friedrich Wilhelm Schmidt

This is the Family tree of Rudolph Friedrich Wilhelm Schmidt, a member (in the 21th generation) of a great family.
Rudolph has 22 heirs.

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  1. Rudolph Friedrich Wilhelm Schmidt born 1824-10-24 in Potsdam - 1855 (Oberförster)
    1. Berta Elisabeth Mathilde Clara Schmidt born 1853-09-23 in Germany - 1932  
      1. Dr. phil. Erich Everth born 1878-07-03 in Berlin - 1934 (Chefredakteur zu Charlottenburg)  
        1. Ursula Everth born 1911-10-26 in Berlin
        2. Ludwig Everth born 1913-10-24 in Berlin
        3. Rosemarie Everth born 1913-10-24 in Berlin
        4. Gisela Everth born 1918-04-19 in Leipzig - 1996
          1. Jürgen Seppelt born before 1942 in Germany
          2. Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Seppelt born 1943-09-18 in Leipzig  
            1. Tammo Seppelt born 1974-04-15 in Germany     
          3. Konrad Seppelt born about 1944 in Leipzig
          4. Wolfgang Seppelt born after 1945 in Leipzig
        5. Susanne Everth born 1920-07-07 in Leipzig
      2. Franz Everth born 1880-05-22 in Berlin - 1965 (Intendant)   
        1. Katharina Everth born 1906-12-02 in Germany
    2. Rudolf Schmidt born -- in Germany (Ministerialrat bei der Eisenbahn)
      1. Christel Schmidt born -- in Unknown
      2. Rudolf Schmidt born -- in Unknown (Eisenbahner)
    3. Max Schmidt born -- in Germany (Polizeimajor)
      1. Joachim Schmidt born -- in Unknown
      2. Max Schmidt born -- in Unknown
      3. Günter Schmidt born -- in Unknown
    4. Hedwig Schmidt born -- in Germany


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