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My Roots - Meine Wurzeln

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Here we will build up the ancestor trees of the families
Atkinson, Balzen, Barry, Bischof, Blumberg, Bohmfalk, Bonham, Breiten, Britsch, Coffin, Currier, Elley, Elliot, Enderle, Ernst, Faseler, Finger, Fischer, Fohn, Gebhardt, Gerdes, Halsey, Harborth, Hines, Hubbard, Imgarten, Irwin, King, Kinsey, Klein, Knodel, Koch, Koepsel, Lindenberg, Locke, Lombard, Melvin, Meuth, Moody, Muennink, Mumme, Mummen, Nagel, Neumann, Noyes, Oefinger, Revilla, Ricketts, Rothe, Saathoff, Schaper, Schartow, Schneider, Schuehle, Schumann, Schwausch, Schweers, Seefisch, Sick, Sils, Singenstreu, Smith, Stiegler, Sumner, Tampke, Thompson, Uhr, Voges, Von Roeder, Vordenbaum, Wiemers, Willmann, Zinsmeyer, (name list) and many more.
Everybody will be entered who has any long term relationship (children, parents, spouses, adoptions, life-partners) to any other member of our family.
This means that with every marriage another bunch of new family members will join this family tree.There are 21619 persons registered with an own page.
Currently we can track our ancestors back to the 11th century and they are living all over the world.

To maintain this server and the fees for the databases for my researches costs a lot of money every year. I will try to keep this website free of advertisements and I really would appreciate, when you support my work here with some few dollars.
Thank you very much.
(10,00 Euro)
(10.00 US-Dollar)
(Jeder Betrag hilft bei der weiteren Forschung)
(Any amount would help further researches)
The receiver is my company, which is running this server: "quality-Datenbank Klaus Gebhardt e.K."
Today the oldest entry is from $about 1130 while the youngest entry is from 14.08.2015 06:10:58 .
Our oldest family member is Jane Custodia (118.1 years) while our youngest family member is Eden Ebel born 2017-05-07

The following links are interesting for researchers and interested relatives:If you like to help, write me.

Klaus Gebhardt

Overview about the recent and coming important days



1925-03-04 Ernst Schaper
1927-03-04 Carroll Charles Schumann
1891-03-05 Ida Schweers
1819-03-05 Vashti Ricketts
1796-03-05 Ira Crawford
1787-03-05 Joanna Crawford
1731-03-05 Thomas Jr. Dinsmore
1644-03-05 Hannah 'Anna' Atkinson
1721-03-05 Sarah Greenleaf
1815-03-05 Anna Braithwaite
             Happy Birthday!
1929-03-06 Phyllis Marguerite Shoop
1905-03-06 Sophia Maria Klein
1928-03-06 Peggy Joyce Reeves
1965-03-07 Jochen Gebhardt
1932-03-08 Joseph Barnum Jr. Locke
1911-03-08 Lois Mildred Johnson
1673-03-09 Cord Curdt Singenstreu
1763-03-09 Johann Heinrich Ernst Singenstreu
1873-03-09 Julia Schweers
1873-03-09 Julia Schweers
1785-03-09 Sally Smith
1602-03-09 William Beardsley
1821-03-09 Eunice Melvin
1749-03-09 Friedrich Gotthilf Seefisch
1812-03-09 Caroline Hewes
1897-03-09 Erna Pauline Herrmann
1778-03-09 Louisa Spornhayer
1850-03-09 Thomas Feller
1732-03-09 Christina Lukretia Mummen
1732-03-09 Anna Sophia Mummen
1961-03-10 Anastacia Buenavista
1811-03-11 Nancy Melvin
1873-03-11 Frank Noble
1639-03-11 James Noyes
1620-03-11 John Ingersoll
1852-03-11 Ida P. Taggart
1666-03-11 Sarah Davis
1969-03-12 Sigrid Hoffer
1926-03-13 Ursula Singenstreu
2002-03-05 Elsie Marie 'Suze' Muennink
1985-03-05 Margaret Elizabeth Lawler
1737-03-05 John Moody
1774-03-05 Mary Parlin
1930-03-05 Mary Elizabeth Goodman
1836-03-05 Maria Hubbard
1967-03-05 Elmon F. Weidner
1901-03-05 Louisa Jane Hewes
1914-03-05 Bert King Taggart
1878-03-05 Anton Carl Heinrich Max Burckhardt
1933-03-06 Zeda Schweers
1959-03-06 Tilliev Seiler
1951-03-06 Hedwig Reininger
1961-03-06 Franz Achterberg
1773-03-06 Dorothea Christiane Seefisch
1795-03-06 William Coffin
1947-03-06 ? Currier
1664-03-06 Mary Ward
1889-03-06 Wilhelm Friedrich Benedict Schartow
1987-03-07 Virginia Cates
1903-03-07 Amanda Beden
2002-03-07 Sam Darden Chrisco
1905-03-07 Mary Irwin
1657-03-07 Anne Parker
1787-03-07 Miriam Coffin
1936-03-07 Herman Zipp
1919-03-07 Alfred Cicero Taggart
1853-03-07 Ida P. Taggart
1917-03-07 Albert S. Clark
1726-03-07 Joachim Henni Mummen
1906-03-07 Christian Hermann Mumme



Here you can find an overview about
all names.

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