Ella H. Gebhardt

This is the Family tree of Ella H. Gebhardt, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
Ella has 2 ancestors and 11 heirs.

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  1. Ella H. Gebhardt born 1881-09-14 in USA - 1916  
    1. Vernon Gebhardt born 1901-01-25 in CA, USA - 1972 (electrician manager)  
      1. Dolores A. Gebhardt born 1931-01-26 in USA - 2006  
        1. Glen D. Bracken born about 1953 in Ione, CA
      2. Melvin Ray Gebhardt born 1934-02-22 in USA
    2. Pauline Irene Gebhardt born 1902-04-11 in Kalifornian, USA
    3. Louis P. Gebhardt Ph.D. born 1905-12-20 in Jackson, Kalifornian, USA - 1971 (Dean of the University of Utah)
      1. Michael Gebhardt born after 1924 in USA (Bishop of the LDS)
      2. Larry Gebhardt born after 1924 in USA (captain of a submarine)
      3. Karl Ansem Gebhardt P.E. born about 1952 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (Hydrologist)  
        1. Daniel Gebhardt born 1981-11-27 in USA (Software Engineer)      
        2. Katherine E Gebhardt born 1984-11-27 in USA    


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