Johann Georg Gebhardt

This is the Family tree of Johann Georg Gebhardt, a member (in the 21th generation) of a great family.
Johann has 11 ancestors and 26 heirs.

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  1. Johann Georg Gebhardt born 1828-08-08 in Schopfheim (works for shoefactory)
    1. John G Gebhardt born about 1853 in New York, USA - 1895 (Mechanical Sewing man)
    2. Fredrick Gebhardt born about 1856 in NY, USA
    3. Louisa Gebhardt born about 1859 in New York, USA
    4. Herman H Gebhardt born about 1862 in New York, USA (patrol man)
      1. Fredrick Gebhard born 1891-04-30 in New York - 1971  
        1. Constanze Gebhard born 1919-12-12 in New York  
          1. Curt Frederick Cerf born 1953-11-21 in Hennepin, MN  
            1. Catherine Elizabeth Cerf born 1982-10-09 in Hennepin , MN
          2. Lawrence Drake Cerf born about 03.1956 in Hennepin, MN   
            1. Ellen Kristine Cerf born 1989-03-19 in Hennepin, MN    
            2. Caroline Grace Cerf born 1994-09-20 in Hennepin, MN  
            3. Anna Leigh Cerf born 1997-10-07 in Hennepin, MN  
        2. Frederick Vandewater Gebhard born 1929-04-05 in USA (High school teacher)  
          1. Fred D. Gebhard born 1957-02-04 in Lakeland, FL
          2. Susan H Gebhard born 1958-09-16 in Lakeland, FL
            1. Matthew Louis Judson born about 1985 in USA     
            2. Kelly E Judson born 1986-03-24 in USA     
      2. Charles Gebhardt born about 1892 in New York
      3. Henry Gebhardt born 1893-09-10 in New York - 1971 (Accountant)
      4. Elsie Gebhardt born about 1896 in New York
      5. George Gebhardt born about 1897 in New York (shoe salesman)
      6. Florence Gebhardt born 1898-08-09 in New York - 1992
    5. Emil Gebhardt born about 1866 in New York, USA
    6. Barbara Gebhardt born about 1871 in New York
    7. F. John Gebhardt born 1874-02-09 in New York (Machinist in a factory)
      1. F. John Gebhardt born about 1902 in New York


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