Charles E. Gebhardt

This is the Family tree of Charles E. Gebhardt, a member of a great family.
Charles has 7 heirs.

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  1. Charles E. Gebhardt born about 1889 in Baltimore MD USA
    1. William Gebhardt born after 1907 in Baltimore Maryland
      1. George Ellis Gebhardt born about 11.1953 in Baltimore Maryland
        1. Paul William Gebhardt born 1979-05-25 in USA (Real Estate broker)   
    2. Blair Gebhardt born 1911-08-07 in Baltimore MD USA - 1970
    3. Lois Gebhardt born about 1917 in Baltimore MD USA
    4. Blondell Mary Gebhardt born 1923-04-12 in in Baltimore MD USA
      1. Terence McCarthy born 1951-01-09 in Baltimore, MD    


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