Ernestine Elise Rothe

This is the Family tree of Ernestine Elise Rothe, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Ernestine has 3 ancestors and 9 heirs.

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  1. Ernestine Elise Rothe born 1850-11-17 in Warmen Steinach, Oberfranken, Bayern, Germany - 1936  
    1. Emelia Henrietta Richter born 1871-11-19 in Utopia, Texas - 1941
    2. Bertha Louise Richter born 1873-12-23 in Utopia, Texas - 1957
    3. Robert Henry Richter born 1876-02-14 in Medina County, Texas - 1959
    4. Emma C. Richter born 1878-07-19 in Utopia, Texas - 1890
    5. Louis Mathias Richter born 1881-03-31 in D'Hanis - 1954
    6. Rudolph Karl Richter born 1883-10-08 in Utopia, Texas - 1917
    7. August Ernst Richter born 1886-07-25 in Utopia, Texas - 1946
    8. Frances Christine Richter born 1889-06-18 in Utopia, Texas - 1948
    9. Felix Fritz Richter born 1892-06-12 in Utopia, Texas - 1959


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