Martha Blumberg

This is the Family tree of Martha Blumberg, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Martha has 4 ancestors and 16 heirs.

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  1. Martha Blumberg born about 1871 in USA
    1. August H Koehler born after 1891 in Unknown
      1. Arabel Koehler born after 1911 in Unknown
      2. Wilburn Koehler born after 1911 in Unknown
    2. Alma Koehler born after 1891 in Unknown
      1. Elaine Koepsel born after 1899 in Unknown
    3. Laura Koehler born after 1891 in Unknown
      1. Evangeline Blumberg born after 1911 in Unknown
      2. Marja Blumberg born after 1911 in Unknown
    4. Willie G Koehler born after 1891 in Unknown
      1. Willie Jr. Koehler born after 1930 in Unknown
        1. Kristy Cherie Koehler born 1966-06-22 in Tarrant, TX, USA
        2. Willie Jr. Koehler born 1969-03-29 in Tarrant, TX, USA
        3. William Kirk Koehler born 1973-02-01 in Harris, TX, USA
    5. Lillie Koehler born after 1891 in Unknown
    6. Dewey Koehler born after 1891 in Unknown
    7. Henry Jr. Koehler born after 1891 in Unknown


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