Alonzo Henry Harborth

This is the Family tree of Alonzo Henry Harborth, a member (in the 27th generation) of a great family.
Alonzo has 8 ancestors and 11 heirs.

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Show generations: 3 4 5 8 all (Level: 99) Write a Comment,
  1. Alonzo Henry Harborth born about 1922 in TX, USA
    1. Kenneth Ray Harborth born 1946-11-20 in Comal, TX, USA
      1. Amy Lanette Harborth born 1973-01-24 in Comal, TX, USA   
        1. Hannah Clark born after 1993 in Unknown  
      2. Amanda Rachele Harborth born 1978-07-07 in Bosque, TX, USA
      3. Mitchell Ray Harborth born 1979-10-29 in Bosque, TX, USA   
    2. Shirley Ann Harborth born 1947-12-28 in Comal, TX, USA
      1. Vulfgong Arno Saunders born 1974-09-27 in Bexar, TX, USA   
    3. Larry Gene Harborth born 1949-09-22 in Comal, TX, USA
      1. Tommy Wayne Harborth born 1974-02-02 in Harris, TX, USA  
      2. Jason Ray Harborth born 1978-06-17 in Comal, TX, USA
      3. Daniel Thomas Harborth born 1981-10-13 in Comal, TX, USA (Mechanic)   


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