Lillie Elliot

This is the Family tree of Lillie Elliot, a member (in the 22th generation) of a great family.
Lillie has 26 heirs.

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  1. Lillie Elliot born about 1827 in Ireland (Canada?) - 1898
    1. Mary Jane McMillan born about 1858 in USA
    2. Rachel McMillan born about 1858 in USA
    3. Sarah McMillan born about 1858 in USA
    4. Thomas McMillan born about 1858 in USA
    5. Margaret Ann McMillan born 1858-02-21 in Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada - 1888
      1. Emma Amanda Locke born 1880-10-01 in Millington, Tuscola, Michigan - 1952
        1. Murden Waldena Irwin born 1909-06-11 in Tombstone, Arizona Territory
          1. Shirley Ann Montes born 1935-10-09 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas - 2003
            1. Barbara Dawn Beckham born 1956-04-19 in Bexar,TX,USA
        2. Janice Aileen Irwin born 1910-12-17 in Tombstone, Arizona Territory - 1999
          1. Janice Rita Salas born 1928-12-30 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
          2. Dorothy Ann Salas born 1930-08-10 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
            1. Tommie Allen Reid born 1953-09-24 in Pineville, Rapides, Louisiana - 1953
        3. Dorothy Matia Irwin born 1913-04-01 in Agua Dulce, Nueces, Texas
        4. Ewing Kellogg Irwin born 1916-01-18 in Odem, San Patricio, Texas - 2002
          1. Ronald Ewing Irwin born 1947-07-23 in Minden, Webster, Louisiana - 1947
        5. Ruth Angevine Irwin born 1919-04-25 in Odem, San Patricio, Texas - 1997
          1. David Clinton Crane born 1937-10-10 in Bexar,TX,USA  
            1. Alison Diane Crane born 1973-07-14 in Harris,TX, USA
        6. Edward Laurence Irwin born 1924-08-23 in Odem, San Patricio, Texas
      2. Thomas Franklin Locke born 1882-01-21 in Millington, Tuscola, Michigan - 1966
        1. Dwight Locke born 1919-08-15 in USA - 1919
        2. Carolyn Jean Locke born 1926-02-12 in USA
        3. James Edwin Locke born 1928-07-27 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois - 2003
      3. Eva Amelia Locke born 1883-11-23 in USA - 1884
      4. Lily Locke born 1886-11-07 in USA - 1890


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