John M. 'Kansas John' Saathoff

This is the Family tree of John M. 'Kansas John' Saathoff, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
John has 6 ancestors and 14 heirs.

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  1. John M. 'Kansas John' Saathoff born 1863-02-09 in Quihi, Medina, Texas - 1947
    1. Edward Ernest Saathoff born 1893-09-02 in Quihi, Medina Co., Texas, USA - 1952
      1. Victor Marvin Saathoff born 1922-10-14 in Medina, Texas - 2004
        1. Barbara Ann Saathoff born 1948-09-08 in Medina, TX, USA    
          1. Shani Lynn White born 1969-09-27 in Bexar, TX, USA  
          2. Tobe Dayl White born 1973-10-15 in Bexar, TX, USA  
            1. Amber Lanae Whitley born 1990-04-17 in Unknown  
            2. Madelynne Dayl White born 2008-07-13 in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, USA
        2. Vickie Sue Saathoff born 1952-10-13 in Medina, TX, USA
          1. Michael Lee Ijams born 1970-03-16 in TX, USA
            1. Daylon Earl Ijams born 1996-07-09 in Bexar, TX, USA
          2. Robin Deanne Ijams born 1976-10-01 in Travis, TX, USA
        3. Mary Louise Saathoff born 1954-11-11 in Medina, TX, USA
          1. Christine Renae Ashford born 1976-11-10 in Bexar, TX, USA
          2. John Owen Ashford born 1980-08-27 in Bitteburg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 2008


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