Gretje J Saathoff

This is the Family tree of Gretje J Saathoff, czlonek (w 22 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Gretje ma 1 ancestors i 3 heirs.

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  1. Gretje J Saathoff born okolo 12 May 1820 in Felden, Hanover, Germany - 1886
    1. Lubbe Aden born 1851-03-11 in Aurich, Ost Friesland, Niedersachen, Germany - 1852
    2. Antje M Aden born 1854-10-19 in Quihi, Medina County, Texas, USA
    3. Maria Aden born 1856-12-13 in Quihi, Medina County, Texas, USA - 1899