William Kircher

This is the Family tree of William Kircher, czlonek (w 25 generacji) duzej rodziny.
William ma 2 ancestors i 7 heirs.

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  1. William Kircher born 1869-02-17 in Culmsee, West, Preußen - 1929
    1. ** private **
    2. Edwin Kircher born 1893-09-14 in Texas, USA
    3. Edna Kircher born 1898-04-19 in Texas, USA
    4. John G Kircher born 1904-03-20 in Marion, Guadalupe, Texas, USA - 1999
    5. Roy Kircher born 1912-10-03 in Tynan, Texas, USA - 1993
    6. ** private **
    7. ** private **