Marie Emma Gebhardt

This is the Family tree of Marie Emma Gebhardt, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
Marie has 13 ancestors and 28 heirs.

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  1. Marie Emma Gebhardt born 1860-09-10 in Schopfheim - 1939  
    1. Pablo Alfredo Jorge Berráz born 1895-10-05 in Champery, Switzerland - 1976   
      1. Lilia Edith Emma Berráz more born 1923-04-10 in Argentina
      2. Amelia Lydia Berráz more born 1928-10-19 in Argentina   
    2. Luis Oskar Berráz born about 1897 in Esperanza (City of Hope), Santa Fe, Argentinien - 1938  
      1. José Maria Berráz born after 1917 in Unknown
    3. Quimico Guillermo Berráz born about 1899 in Esperanza (City of Hope), Santa Fe, Argentinien (Engineer)  
      1. Nora Berráz born after 1919 in Unknown
    4. Fernando Emilio Berráz born about 1901 in Santa Fe, Argentinien
      1. Danilo Berráz more born after 1921 in Unknown
      2. Edgardo Berráz born after 1921 in Unknown
      3. Teresita Berráz born after 1921 in Unknown
      4. Ana Maria Berráz born after 1921 in Unknown


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