Wilhelmina Dorotea Elizabet Muennink

This is the Family tree of Wilhelmina Dorotea Elizabet Muennink, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
Wilhelmina has 13 ancestors and 49 heirs.

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  1. Wilhelmina Dorotea Elizabet Muennink born 1862-07-01 in Medina, Texas - 1930  
    1. Louisa Schaper born 1881-09-01 in Texas - 1967
      1. Lorene Myrtle Leifeste born about 1906 in USA
      2. Lee Roy Alvin Leifeste more born about 1909 in USA - 1976
      3. ** private **
    2. Fred Lewis Schaper born 1883-02-22 in Bexar, TX, USA - 1922
      1. Charles S Schaper born about 1907 in Bexar, TX, USA
      2. Sedonnie Schaper born about 1909 in Bexar, TX, USA
    3. Anna Catherine Schaper born 1884-03-16 in Texas - 1959
      1. Mildred Weigand born 1912-06-03 in USA - 2002
      2. Albert Charles Weigand born 1915-02-02 in USA - 1992
      3. Elenor Weigand born 1919-04-04 in USA - 1997
      4. ** private **
      5. Lelah Jeannine Weigand born 1928-10-16 in USA - 2000
    4. John August II Schaper born 1885-10-01 in Texas - 1965
      1. Henry William Schaper born about 1908 in Aurich-Oldendorf, Ostfriesland, Kingdom of Hannove - 1964
      2. Benjamin Gilbert Schaper born about 1910 in USA - 1951
      3. ** private **
    5. Lydia Schaper born about 1887 in Texas - 1970
      1. John Wesley Lawler more born about 1904 in Aurich-Oldendorf, Ostfriesland, Kingdom of Hannove - 1955
      2. Aurena Louise Lawler more born 1905-06-18 in USA
      3. Frank Alvin Lawler more born 1908-05-03 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas - 1973
    6. William Schaper born 1888-06-01 in Texas - 1925
    7. Malinda Amanda Schaper born 1889-09-11 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas? - 1951
      1. Dorothy Evelyn Schumann more born 1910-07-13 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas - 1990
      2. Clinton Forrest Schumann more born 1912-07-12 in Southton, Bexar, Texas - 1976
      3. ** private **
    8. Hulda Schaper born 1891-07-02 in Texas - 1975
      1. ** private **
      2. ** private **
      3. ** private **


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