William H. Worden

This is the Family tree of William H. Worden, a member (in the 22th generation) of a great family.
William has 24 heirs.

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  1. William H. Worden born about 1840 in Unknown
    1. Andy J. Egan born about 1875 in Unknown
    2. Vermillion Harris born about 1875 in Unknown
    3. Eugene Kepler born about 1875 in Unknown
    4. Charles W. Worden born about 1875 in Unknown
    5. Frank Worden born about 1875 in Unknown
    6. W. H. Worden born about 1875 in Unknown
    7. Caroline Winifred Worden born 1875-09-03 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan - 1928
      1. Ruth Irwin born 1893-03-26 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan - 1893
      2. Ruby Irwin born 1893-10-13 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan - 1893
      3. William Jennings Bryan Isaiah Jr. Irwin more born 1895-04-22 in Creede, Mineral, Colorado - 1965
      4. Irene Iris Irwin more born 1896-03-21 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
      5. Worden Irwin born 1903-04-22 in Michigan - 1909
      6. Charles Harold Irwin more born 1909-03-21 in Hackley Twp, Vilas, Wisconsin - 1983
      7. Robert Worden Irwin more born 1911-04-01 in Hackley Twp, Vilas, Wisconsin
      8. Maxine Lou Irwin born 1915-05-21 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan - 1971
      9. Maxwell Louis Irwin more born 1915-05-21 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan


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