Catherine ?

This is the Family tree of Catherine ?, a member (in the 13th generation) of a great family.
Catherine has 523 heirs.

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  1. Catherine ? born about 1563 in England - 1593
    1. Sarah Moore born 1588-12-13 in Maldon, Essex, England - 1663
      1. Enoch Greenleaf born about 1613 in USA - 1617
      2. Samuel Greenleaf born about 1617 in USA - 1627
      3. Sarah Greenleaf born 1620-03-26 in USA - 1655
      4. Elizabeth Greenleaf born 1622-01-16 in USA - 1661
      5. Nathaniel Greenleaf born 1624-06-27 in USA
      6. Judith Greenleaf more born 1625-09-02 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England - 1705
    2. Samuel Moore born about 1590 in England
    3. Enoch Moore born about 1591 in England
    4. Judith Moore born about 1592 in England
    5. Francis Moore born about 1594 in England
    6. Merry Moore born about 1596 in England


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