Etta Edith Ellen Currier

This is the Family tree of Etta Edith Ellen Currier, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
Etta has 67 ancestors and 11 heirs.

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  1. Etta Edith Ellen Currier born 1875-05-03 in Grundy Center, Grundy, Iowa - 1936
    1. ? Currier born 1899-04-12 in Canistota, McCook, South Dakota - 1947
    2. Oscar Edward Currier born 1900-12-28 in McCook, South Dakota
    3. Mrs. Grant Cambpell born about 1904 in USA
    4. Mrs. Evertt Coleman born about 1904 in USA
    5. Iral Currier born about 1904 in USA
    6. John Currier born about 1904 in USA
    7. Leroy Eugene Currier born about 1904 in USA
    8. Marjorie Currier born about 1904 in USA
    9. Mrs. Forest Eye born about 1904 in USA
    10. Mrs. Ernest Kingery born about 1904 in USA
    11. Mrs. Walter Larson born about 1904 in USA


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