Christian Schulz

This is the Family tree of Christian Schulz, a member (in the 19th generation) of a great family.
Christian has 148 heirs.

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  1. Christian Schulz born ?? in Deutschland - .101 (Domänenpächter)
    1. Charlotte Luise Schultz born 1764-07-22 in Lichterfelde - 1840
      1. Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Lindenberg more born 1791-08-13 in Germany - 1859 (Rittergutspächter)   
      2. Christian Friedrich Lindenberg more born 1793-02-14 in Germany - 1861  
      3. Johann Friedrich Lindenberg born 1794-10-01 in Germany - 1806
      4. Gottfried Leopold Lindenberg born 1796-08-01 in Germany - 1801
      5. Charlotte Friederike Lindenberg more born 1797-11-14 in Germany - 1870
      6. Johanna Luisa Lindenberg born 1799-03-01 in Germany - 1866
      7. Marie Caroline Helene Lindenberg more born 1801-01-01 in Germany - 1850
      8. Amalie Henriette Lindenberg born 1802-11-01 in Germany
      9. Joachim Friedrich Ferdinand Lindenberg more born 1805-12-14 in Günterberg/Uckermark - 1870 (Rittergutspächter)


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