DBconnecti: ip=, myip= Family tree of Alfred Abraham Frank Born 1859-10-30 in Erfurt, Kommissionsrat

Alfred Abraham Frank

This is the Family tree of Alfred Abraham Frank, a member (in the 22th generation) of a great family.
Alfred has 1 ancestors and 24 heirs.

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  1. Alfred Abraham Frank born 1859-10-30 in Erfurt - 1922 (Kommissionsrat)
    1. Erna Maria Cerf born 1896-10-16 in Nauen, Mark Brandenburg - 1949  
      1. Heinz Peter Cerf born 1919-11-04 in Perwenitz, Mark Brandenburg, Osthavelland   
        1. Curt Frederick Cerf more born 1953-11-21 in Hennepin, MN  
        2. Lawrence Drake Cerf more born about 03.1956 in Hennepin, MN   
    2. Werner Frank born 1898-12-24 in Nauen/Osthavelland, D - 1977 (Kaufmann)  
      1. Ingeborg Renate Frank born 1925-07-02 in Berlin,D - 2004
        1. Marie Marini more born before 1948 in Citta di Castello, Italy
        2. Patricia Carla Franca Mariani Marini more born 1948-06-09 in Citta di Castello, Italy    
        3. Gabrielle Marini more born 1956-03-03 in Greenwich, Connecticut, the United State
      2. Franco Frank born about 1942 in Citta di Castello, Itally


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