Philip W Booe

This is the Family tree of Philip W Booe, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
He has 26 heirs.

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  1. Philip W Booe born about 1860 in North Carolina, United States
    1. Avie Booe born about 1879 in North Carolina, United States
    2. Frederic C Booe born about Mar 1883 in North Carolina, United States
    3. Gertha Booe born about Jun 1885 in North Carolina, United States
    4. R Hoard Booe born about Sep 1887 in North Carolina, United States
    5. Everitt Little Booe born 1890-09-28 in North Carolina, United States - 1969
      1. Merle Ann Booe born 1921-07-16 in Unknown - 1996
        1. George Everett Mumme born 1942-03-04 in Navarro,TX,USA
        2. Dr. Marvin Elmo Jr. Mumme more born 1945-08-03 in Seoul, Korea (Orthopedic Surgeon)
        3. David Mumme more born 1947-03-22 in Nueces,TX,USA
      2. Everett Little Booe born 1922-09-06 in Bexar, TX, USA - 2001
        1. Everett Little III Booe more born 1951-02-13 in Karnes, TX, USA
        2. Barbara Ann Booe more born 1952-07-29 in Karnes, TX, USA
        3. Allan Freeman Booe born 1957-08-30 in Karnes, TX, USA
    6. Muel Booe born about Sep 1896 in North Carolina, United States


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