Dieter Teutsch

This is the Family tree of Dieter Teutsch, a member (in the 21th generation) of a great family.
Dieter has 2 ancestors and 326 heirs.

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  1. Dieter Teutsch born 1730-11-30 in Roxheim, Germany - 1774
    1. Anna Margaretha Teutsch born 1750-04-30 in Roxheim, Germany - 1842
      1. Johann Christian Klein born 1772-08-27 in Germany
      2. Catharina Klein born 1774-11-29 in Germany
      3. Anna Margaretha Klein born 1777-02-10 in Germany
      4. Adam Klein born 1779-02-22 in Germany
      5. Elisabeth Klein born 1782-01-29 in Germany
      6. Stephan Klein born 1784-10-20 in Roxheim, Bad-Kreuznach, Germany - 1857
        1. Joseph Klein more born 1811-12-30 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1894  
        2. Andreas Klein born about 1813 in USA - 1814
        3. Katharina Klein more born 1815-10-16 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1896
        4. Anna Maria Klein more born 1818-11-05 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany
        5. Margaretha Klein born about 1821 in USA
        6. Jacob Klein born 1823-10-24 in Hattenheim, Germany - 1846
        7. Babygirl Klein born about 1826 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1826
        8. Peter Valentin Klein more born about 1827 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1878
        9. Barbara Klein more born about 1829 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany
        10. Heinrich Klein born about 1829 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany
        11. Babygirl Klein born about 1832 in Hattenheim, Rhein-Gau, Germany - 1832
        12. Elizabethe Klein more born about 1835 in Germany


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