Hannah Ball

This is the Family tree of Hannah Ball, a member (in the 17th generation) of a great family.
Hannah has 2 ancestors and 194 heirs.

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  1. Hannah Ball born 1665-01-22 in USA
    1. Hannah Whitaker born about 1706 in USA - 1767
      1. Hannah Dinsmore born 1725-12-22 in Bedford, Middlesex, Massachusetts - 1802
      2. Susannah Dinsmore born 1727-07-08 in Bedford, Middlesex, Massachusetts - 1773
        1. Ebenezer Jr. Melvin more born 1752-12-28 in Hollis, Hillsborough, New Hampshire - 1825
        2. Nathan Melvin born 1755-11-20 in Hollis, Hillsborough, New Hampshire
        3. Eunice Melvin born 1759-07-09 in Hollis, Hillsborough, New Hampshire
        4. Daniel Melvin born 1761-09-08 in Hollis, Hillsborough, New Hampshire
        5. Susannah Melvin more born 1764-10-23 in Hollis, Hillsborough, New Hampshire
        6. Seth Melvin born 1767-04-28 in Hollis, Hillsborough, New Hampshire
        7. Enoch Melvin more born 1769-08-30 in Hollis, Hillsborough, New Hampshire - 1824
        8. Isaac Melvin more born 1772-08-09 in USA - 1843
      3. Abraham Dinsmore born 1730-02-22 in Bedford, Middlesex, Massachusetts - 1779
      4. Thomas Jr. Dinsmore born 1731-03-05 in Bedford, Middlesex, Massachusetts - 1803
      5. John Dinsmore born 1733-01-24 in Bedford, Middlesex, Massachusetts - 1758
      6. Eliphalet Dinsmore born 1734-12-23 in Bedford, Middlesex, Massachusetts - 1811
      7. Asa Dinsmore born after 1735 in Hollis?, Hillsborough, New Hampshire - 1758
      8. Lucy Dinsmore born after 1735 in Hollis?, Hillsborough, New Hampshire - 1748
      9. Abel Dinsmore born 1736-12-27 in Bedford ?, Middlesex, Massachusetts - 1803
      10. William Dinsmore born after 1745 in Hollis?, Hillsborough, New Hampshire - 1748
      11. Elizabeth Dinsmore born about 1748 in Hollis?, Hillsborough, New Hampshire - 1748
      12. Mary Dinsmore born about 1748 in Hollis?, Hillsborough, New Hampshire - 1748
    2. Mary Whitaker born about 1709 in USA
    3. Lydia Whitaker born about 1712 in USA - 1795
    4. John Jr. Whitaker born 1713-05-26 in Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts


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