Johann Matthias Uhr

This is the Family tree of Johann Matthias Uhr, a member (in the 18th generation) of a great family.
Johann has 2 ancestors and 93 heirs.

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  1. Johann Matthias Uhr born 1718-05-03 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia
    1. Johann Anton Uhr born 1760-07-27 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia - 1795
      1. Anton Uhr born 1787-02-04 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia - 1873
        1. Johann Heinrich Uhr born 1809-03-06 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia - 1880
          1. Carl Heinrich Uhr more born 1836-11-15 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia - 1915 (Farmer)
          2. Emilie Maria Louisa Uhr more born 1839-06-09 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia - 1923
          3. Emilie Maria Louisa Uhr more born 1839-06-09 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia - 1923
          4. Charlotte Wilhelmine Uhr born 1843-05-11 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia
          5. Mathias Martin Uhr born 1845-12-02 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia - 1926
          6. Heinrich Ludwig Matthias UHR more born 1848-06-15 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia - 1924
          7. Christiane Mathilde Uhr born 1850-12-16 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia
          8. Lina Uhr born about 1854 in Unknown
          9. Wilhelm Julius Uhr born 1854-10-18 in Hof, Amt Marienberg, Nassau, Prussia


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