Ilse Margreta Luders

This is the Family tree of Ilse Margreta Luders, a member (in the 19th generation) of a great family.
Ilse has 8 ancestors and 1740 heirs.

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  1. Ilse Margreta Luders born 1724-03-16 in Deutschland - 1794
    1. Johann Friedrich Ludwig Gehrbrecht born about 1755 in Deutschland
      1. Johanne Christiane Elizabeth Gehrbrecht born 1785-06-07 in Deutschland - 1858
        1. Ludwig Heinrich Gottfried Mumme born 1809-04-15 in Germany - 1905   
          1. Carl Ludwig Theodore Mumme more born 1838-02-24 in Braunschweig - 1902  
          2. Heinrich Carl Ferdinand Mumme more born 1840-08-08 in Herzogthum Braunschweig, Germany - 1922 (Methodist Minister)   
          3. Maria Magdalene Louise Mumme born 1841-12-17 in Germany - 1849
          4. Sophia Dorothea Amalie Mumme born 1844-03-20 in Germany - 1848
        2. Conrad Theodore Friedrich Mumme born 1818-08-13 in Wolfenbuttel, Braunschweig, Germany - 1901   
          1. Ludwig Albert Mumme more born 1849-08-08 in Medina County, Texas - 1900  
          2. August Mumme born 1851-09-09 in USA - 1879  
          3. Julia Adolphine Mumme more born 1855-12-06 in Vandenberg, TX - 1941


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