Agnes Emilie Auguste Lindenberg

This is the Family tree of Agnes Emilie Auguste Lindenberg, a member (in the 22th generation) of a great family.
Agnes has 10 ancestors and 11 heirs.

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  1. Agnes Emilie Auguste Lindenberg born 1828-03-18 in Eickstedt, Kr. Prenzlau, Uckermak, Deutschland - 1870
    1. Hedwig Schroeder born 1849-05-27 in Kraatz b. Prenzlau
    2. Arthur Schroeder born 1850-06-16 in Prenzlau
      1. Elsbeth Christiana Agnes Martha Schroeder born 1878-07-24 in Prenzlau
      2. Gertrud Schroeder born 1881-11-09 in Prenzlau - 1927
      3. Martha Schroeder born 1883-07-21 in Prenzlau - 1927
    3. Erich Schroeder born 1859-07-27 in Kraatz b. Prenzlau
      1. Wilhelm Schroeder born 1887-03-02 in Kolmar im Elsaß
      2. Clara Schroeder born 1889-03-04 in Kolmar im Elsaß (Oberin)
      3. Agnes Schroeder born 1899-04-12 in Kolmar im Elsaß (Oberin)
        1. Gisela Wolf born 1924-02-01 in Karlsruhe
          1. Cornelia Daniela Elisabeth Dankesreiter born in Unknown


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