John De Bonhamme

This is the Family tree of John De Bonhamme, a member (in the 4th generation) of a great family.
John has 1 ancestors and 152 heirs.

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  1. John De Bonhamme born about 1323 in England
    1. Nicholas De Bonhamme born about 1345 in England
      1. Maurice De Bonhamme born about 1373 in England
        1. John De Bonhamme born about 1400 in Somerset, Wiltshire, England - 1454
          1. Nicholas Bonham born about 1435 in Wishford, Wiltshire, England - 1480
            1. Thomas Bonham born after 1459 in 1459, Stanway Hall, Essex, England
              1. Thomas Bonham born after 1490 in Stanway Hall, Essex, England - 1532
                1. John Bonham born unknown to us in Unknown
                2. William Bonham more born about 1520 in England - 1629
          2. Thomas Bonham born after 1436 in Wishford, Wiltshire, England


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